New Stone Mining is a private Brazilian company, headquartered in São Paulo.


The company has mining rights over dimension stones deposits, including an outstanding Absolute Black Granite deposit (with technical and aesthetic characteristics superior than the present international benchmark), a Quartzite deposit, and a White Pearlescent Marble deposit. All deposits with great ore volumes, all in São Paulo state.


The portfolio of New Stone Mining also includes: A Calcitic and Dolomitic Limestone deposit, in São Paulo state, with suitable grades for the Agricultural sector, as well as Animal Feed, Cement and Glass industrial segments, among others. An Attapulgite (Palygorskite) deposit, in Piauí state (Northeast Brazil), with appropriated technical characteristics that allows a wide range of industrial applications.


Recently, New Stone Mining began sharing with the market information about its Wollastonite - Skarn deposit, located in São Paulo state. New Stone has been studying the metallic mineralization related with the Skarns in this deposit, and the occurrence of Copper and Gold has been consistent in the initial drill holes.








 office :

Rua Fidêncio Ramos, 160

Vila Olímpia - São Paulo (SP) - ZIP CODE 04551-010